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How do we obtain proof of entry for OAS?

Dear Settlement.Org Team,
I am a Canadian citizen. I moved to Belgium in 1992 and returned in 2005. When I applied for my OAS I got a response that I must show entry/exit information to/from Canada.
I also have a Quebec pension with the QPP. The QPP has sent me a contribution record which records the fact that i did not contribute to the QPP for the years 1992 to 2005, and there are contributions before/after these years.
1. Do I have to request the entry/exit information to prove my entry/exit from Canada?
2. Why can't I use my Quebec pension plan records for the requirement of the OAS application.

This is a bit frustrating, Quebec says yes contributed and here is the record and yes you can collect your pension. Meanwhile for Canada Federal OAS I have to prove when I left Canada and returned. Don't these organizations talk to each other? Thanks for any help you can offer.

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