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Citizenship Reapplication Process/Fees

Hello. I am a U.S. Citizen who applied for Canadian Citizenship in July, 2019, but was denied because I did not meet the 1,095 days of physical presence requirement (I was not aware I needed Temporary Resident status to claim ½ days I was resident prior to becoming a Permanent Resident). I have since accrued enough time to meet the 1,095 days physical presence requirement and would like to reapply, but am confused about fees. In the letter I received, it states "If you choose to reapply, you must submit a new application form with a new Physical Presence Calculator printout along with the required fees, photos and supporting documents." But it doesn't state what the fees are and later it also states, "If you choose not to reapply, and would like to request a refund, please see the following website for further information...."

Does anyone know the proper fees to submit for a reapplication for Canadian Citizenship? It seems like it would not be the full $630 because it seems possible to request a refund and apply from scratch, which would certainly be result in less. Any help or guidance would be most appreciated. Thanks!