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WSIB Amount - Questions

Hello Lenna,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this.

You may want to contact the nearest Community Legal Clinic that specializes in issues related to workers' rights and issues. They may be able to help you by providing some information regarding what your rights are in this situation.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Citizenship and Permanent Residency

Hello Georgette,

Thank you for sharing your situation and questions with us.

Regarding your statement,

Am I correct in my understanding that the new citizenship legislation means that prior to "application" for citizenship, one must meet the required 1460 days i.e. in my example I would just have to delay the citizenship application until I meet this requirement however will not lose my PR status in the meantime or ability to apply for citizenship?

That is correct that you must meet that requirement in the years immediately prior to applying for citizenship. Under the terms of the new Citizenship Act, this would be as you stated, four years out of the six years prior to applying.

Currently, you must have resided in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) in the past four years before you apply.

Regarding your second question,

For citizenship, would I then need to renew my PR status, or once I have met the 730 days there is nothing further that I am required to do insofar as retaining PR status as I work towards sufficient days to apply for citizenship?

You are still required to meet and maintain your residency requirements even though you may have applied for citizenship.

You may want to get some additional clarification by contacting the the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Call Centre directly for some suggestions and information regarding your situation.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Lost my Ontario Secondary School Diploma


Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

You may want to contact the School Board of the school that you attended directly to find out what your options are.

Some school boards, like the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board clearly state on their websites the costs and processing time to get a copy of your diploma.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Ontario Works - How do I find out Entitlements?


Thank you for sharing your situation and questions with us.

Your User ID indicates that you are in Mississauga.

According to the Region of Peel - Ontario Works in Peel website,

The benefits listed below are mandatory and must be provided to persons who meet the eligibility criteria.

-Dental Coverage for Dependent Children
-Diabetic Supplies
-Drug Coverage
-Full Time Employment Benefit
-Guide Dog Benefits
-Pregnancy Nutritional Allowance for Pregnant Women
-Special Diets
-Surgical Supplies and Dressings
-Transition Child Benefit
-Travel and Transportation for Medical Purposes
-Vision Care for Dependent Children



Discretionary benefits are available to Ontario Works clients and are provided at the discretion of your caseworker. If you are an existing Ontario Works client, please speak to your caseworker directly to obtain more information. If you want to make an application for a benefit please see our Application Process.

-Dental/Denture Coverage for Adults
-Funerals and Burials
-Vision Care for Adults

You can find the details regarding these benefits on the Region of Peel - Ontario Works in Peel website in the Ontario Works - Benefits section.

You may want to speak directly to your Ontario Works Caseworker regarding the benefits listed in the Ontario Works - Benefits section.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Re-Issue of PR card - Error


Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

In terms of receiving your PR Card, as long as you provide a Canadian Address, you are able to receive it.

Regarding moving to Ontario, you mentioned that you landed in Quebec under the Quebec Immigrant Investor program. It is important that you confirm the expectations of this program and also what you agreed to.

It is likely that in order to finalize your application you had to agree that you would intend to settle in Quebec. It is also likely that you signed an agreement to invest a certain amount in that province.

According to the CIC Call Centre, your Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate) states the conditions that apply to you.

You may want to contact CIC Call Centre directly for some additional information regarding your situation.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Child PR card Renewal - Questions


Thank you for sharing your son's situation and your question with us.

Regarding submitting an application for the PR card from outside of Canada, according to the CIC ENF 27 Permanent Resident Card Operations Manual in the 5.2. General conditions for persons applying for a card section,

R56(2) states clearly that a PR card application must be made in Canada. Furthermore, the card must be delivered in person to each applicant, pursuant to R58(3), and be picked up within 180 days of the person receiving notification that it is ready for collection.

This enhances the integrity of the application process, allowing the local office to contact the client to review documentation and assess residency issues in person. However, it is recognized that the Regulations do not specify physical presence in Canada for purposes of filing a PR card application. Applications cannot be refused solely on the basis of evidence that the applicant was not in Canada when the application was filed. However, applicants are expected to provide an address in Canada where they may be contacted to provide additional information or to present themselves in person for the purposes of reviewing either identification or eligibility for the PR card. The CPC may refer a case to a local CIC if all or part of the application originated from outside Canada, and if there are questions as to the client’s identity, status or residency history, or the authenticity of the
documentation. Clients must report in person to pick up their card in Canada, in
accordance with R58(3).

Therefore, in order to renew a PR card, you have to be in Canada to submit it.

Regarding your question,

is it ok if he applies for the renewal only 3 months before the expiration date?

According to the CIC ENF 27 Permanent Resident Card Operations Manual,

While applications for a new card may be filed at any time before the card expires, the existing card must be returned with the application, as stated in R59(1)(d). For example, applicants may have forgotten to return a previous PR card that is still valid at the time of applying for a new card and that has not been reported lost or stolen. As a matter of policy, CIC requests that expired cards be submitted with the request for renewal.

However, a new PR card will not be refused if the client does not return an expired PR card. CIC does not intend to collect all expired cards from clients. Procedures are already in place for permanent residents to surrender their card at citizenship ceremonies. If clients claim that they have lost their card, they are required to complete the section of the application form entitled Solemn Declaration (concerning a permanent resident card that was lost, stolen, destroyed or never received) [IMM 5451E]. The previous card is revoked in accordance with R59(2).

As you can see, the CIC ENF 27 Permanent Resident Card Operations Manual states "While applications for a new card may be filed at any time before the card expires".

The Applying for a Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) - Initial application, replacement or renewal (IMM 5445) application states that you should not however, apply for a renewal of your current PR card if it is still valid for more than nine (9) months (270 days), unless it is due to a legal name change. Otherwise, your application will be returned.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
AFK Requirments


Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

You may also want to post your request in this previous Settlement.Org National Dental Exam - Study Groups? thread.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Waiting for Citizenship - How Long?

Hello Abhay,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

You can find some average timelines in our previous Settlement.Org Citizenship Timeline Discussion Thread.

We hope that others share any similar timelines with you.

You can also see some general timelines on the CIC website in the General processing time for routine applications section.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Missed Citizenship Test after RQ

Hello Sau,

Thank you for sharing your situation and questions with us.

We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this situation.

Regarding your first question,

1. How should I proceed further?

You mentioned that you have already contacted CIC directly and that they stated that if you do not get a test date by June 2015, then you should contact them again. This is likely what you should do.

Regarding your other questions, unfortunately, it is difficult for us to know or provide you with a definitive response regarding why.

We hope that others who may have experienced something similar or have a similar timeline can share some additional information and suggestions with you.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Is there any chance they will send my new PR card?

Hello Eang,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this situation.

Most who are replacing or renewing their PR card will receive it by mail.

However, some permanent residents who are renewing or replacing their PR card will need to pick it up at a local CIC office.

If you will need to pick up your card, you will be contacted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to schedule an appointment.

Therefore, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will use the information/Canadian address that they have available on file in order to send any communication or information to you.

This includes your PR card.

CIC will use the information they have on file for you. If they do not have your new address, they will use the address they have.

You can find some additional information on how notify Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) of an address change on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) website.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
OHIP - First Year Residency Requirement Question


Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

It is great that you are looking into this type of information on behalf of your parents. We can appreciate that this would be concerning.

We really hope that you can find some information regarding their options.

We are sorry, unfortunately, we are unable to provide a definitive response regarding whether or not they have met the requirements. Since we do not work for ServiceOntario, we cannot provide you a definitive response.

All we can suggest is that you may want to continue trying to speak to several other ServiceOntario representatives to find out if anyone can provide a definitive response.

It would be good to document all and any information they provide as well.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
Issues with Neighbouring Tenants and Marijuana

Hi There,

Thanks for sharing your question and situation with us. We can appreciate that this is a frustrating situation.

From my understanding, you are renting a unit in a larger complex, and you have made repeated requests to the landlord to help with the smoke entering your unit from neighbouring tenants but they haven't fixed the problem completely.

The short answer to your question is it is the smoke is interfering with your reasonable enjoyment of your unit and you do have some rights under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).

According to the Landlord and Tenant Board your landlord/property management:

Remedies Available to Tenants

Inform the landlord

If a tenant has a maintenance problem, the first thing they should do is make a written request to the landlord, asking the landlord to fix the problem.

The tenant can write the landlord a letter, or in some cases, landlords have a “maintenance” or “work order” request form that can be completed. The tenant should keep a copy of their written request.

If the landlord does not fix the problem

If, after being informed, the landlord does not fix the problem within a reasonable time, the tenant can:

- report the problem to their local government or the Investigation and Enforcement Unit (IEU),
- file an application to the Board, or
- do both of these things.

If you can, write down all the dates and information about when you spoke to the landlord/property management about this issue, calls to the office etc. this can help you if the situation continues.

The landlord may be permitted to evict tenants if they have committed an illegal act within the building:

The tenant or another occupant of the rental unit has committed an illegal act or is carrying on an illegal business other than described in reason #1 above, at the residential complex, or the tenant has permitted someone else to do so.

You may wish to contact the Landlord and Tenant Board to confrim this information and to ask more question about your personal situation and whether or not you may qualify to have your rent reduced in this situation or compensation with moving expenses.

The information provided above is not legal advice. If you want legal advice please consult a community legal clinic or a lawyer about your particular situation.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Information & Referral Specialist, CIRS
Your Settlement.Org Team
Looking for a Place - Before we Arrive

Hello Sara,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

It is great that you are looking into this type of information before arriving in Ottawa.

You can find some helpful information in our Settlement.Org What kinds of short-term housing are available? article

In terms of finding housing before arriving, you can also find some additional information in our Settlement.Org How can I find housing before I arrive? article.

For future reference, it may also be helpful to read our Settlement.Org What are the monthly living expenses for a family of 3? article.

You may also want to connect with the nearest Settlement Agency for some assistance before arriving.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
How can I continue my Education in Canada?

Hello Mahada,

Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

It is great that you are looking into this type of information before arriving in Canada.

You can find some helpful information in our Settlement.Org What are the academic requirements for post-secondary education? article.

It states,

If you studied outside Canada, you need to have your academic documents evaluated before you can apply to a college or university. Each school has its own requirements. Visit the school's website or contact their Office of Admissions to find out their requirements and the process you should follow to have your credentials evaluated.

You can also find some additional information in our Settlement.Org Do I have to get my credentials evaluated before I apply? article.

Here is an excerpt,

If you studied outside Canada, you need to have your credentials evaluated. Each school has its own requirements.

Each university or college sets its own criteria for recognizing academic qualifications from outside Canada. Visit the school's website or contact their Office of Admissions to find out their requirements and the process you should follow to have your credentials evaluated.

It may also be helpful to contact the nearest community agency to where you plan to move. You can find some listings in our Services Near Me section.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS
EI Benefit - Questions


Thank you for sharing your situation and question with us.

From the information we have found on the Service Canada website, it sounds like under certain circumstances it is possible to reactivate a previous claim, only if there are still unused weeks and the benefit period has not ended.

According to the Service Canada website,

For how long will I receive benefits?

The number of weeks for which you may receive benefits is determined at the beginning of your benefit period and depends on the following:

-the regional rate of unemployment; and
-the number of hours of insurable employment that you accumulated in your qualifying period.

You can receive regular benefits for a period that varies from 14 to 45 weeks. However, the benefits corresponding to the number of weeks payable must be paid within a maximum of 52 weeks following the start date of your benefit period. If, for any reason, you interrupt your benefit claim, you cannot reactivate it after this 52-week period, even if you have not yet received all the benefits to which you were entitled.

For additional clarification Service Canada also states,

I received EI benefits in the past. Do I need to submit a new application?

If you started a new EI claim within the last 52 weeks and there are still weeks payable on that claim, we will automatically reactivate (renew) your existing claim.

However, in some cases, it may be to your advantage to cancel or end your old claim earlier and start a new claim, because this may increase the amount of your benefits or the length of your benefit period.

You must decide whether or not to cancel or renew a claim based on your own personal situation.

It is important to consider:

-If your claim is reactivated and you work after the start of that claim, you may be able to establish a new claim when your existing claim runs out.
-In order to establish a new claim you must have enough insurable hours and meet the qualifying conditions for a new claim.
-If a new claim is established instead of reactivating your existing claim, the remaining weeks payable on the existing claim will be lost.
-Additionally, a two-week unpaid waiting period must be served on a new claim before you are entitled to receive payment.

The Service Canada provides an excellent example and explanation. Here is an excerpt,


Julie's first claim for benefits started the week of January 25, 2015. In the previous 26 weeks, she worked 26 weeks, at 40 hours a week, for a total of 1,040 hours. She earned $10,400. She lives in a region for which the unemployment rate was 13.1% at the time she submitted her application. She will receive $220 a week in benefits, and she is eligible to receive benefits for a maximum of 40 weeks. She received 10 weeks of EI benefits and then returned to work. After her return to work, Julie worked for 30 weeks, at 40 hours a week, for a total of 1,200 hours. She earned $18,000 over the last 26 weeks. On November 15, 2015, Julie submits another application for EI benefits. The unemployment rate remains at 13.1%. Here are Julie's two options:

First option: Since Julie's first benefit period ends on January 31, 2016, and she has already served the two-week waiting period, Julie may receive the remaining 10 weeks of benefits, which total $220 per week, as part of her old claim. She can then start a new claim that will be based on the hours of employment and the insurable earnings of her second job. Therefore, she could receive 10 weeks of benefits at $220 a week and, after serving the two-week waiting period on the new claim, she could receive 42 weeks of benefits at $381 a week.

Second option: Julie could ask to end the claim that started in January and start a new claim, which would be based on the hours of employment and the insurable earnings of her second job. Her benefit rate would then be $381 a week, and she would be able to receive benefits for a period of up to 42 weeks, once she has served the two-week waiting period.

To reactivate your claim, you should visit the Service Canada website. Click on "Apply for Employment Insurance Benefits" in the menu on the right-hand side of the home page.

Do not start completing your online application if you prefer to start a new claim. Instead, please contact us by calling 1 800-206-7218. Your decision to start a new claim is final and cannot be reversed.

We suggest that to confirm this information and for information specific to your situation and claim, you may want to contact Service Canada by calling 1 800-206-7218 directly.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to your question/situation.

Settlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRS